2023 Crime and Arrest Statistics
Pico Rivera Station
Unincorporated Area
City of Pico Rivera
Patrol Area Map
Incident and Arrest Summary
Part I Actual Offenses Cleared
Comparison of Incidents by City/Area
Comparison of Arrests by City/Area
Comparison of Adult Arrests by City/Area
Comparison of Juvenile Arrests by City/Area
Male Adult Arrests by Age
Male Juvenile Arrests by Age
Female Adult Arrests by Age
Female Juvenile Arrests by Age
Incident and Arrest Summary
Incidents by Reporting District
Arrests by Reporting District
Adult Arrests by Reporting District
Juvenile Arrests by Reporting District
Incident and Arrest Summary
Incidents by Reporting District
Arrests by Reporting District
Adult Arrests by Reporting District
Juvenile Arrests by Reporting District
Incident and Arrest Summary