Fisherman Finds Bag Containing a Gun and a Badge lost since 1992 in Castaic Lake

Fisherman Finds Bag Containing a Gun and a Badge lost since 1992 in Castaic Lake

A Castaic man who was fishing on the dam at Castaic Lake, located a backpack that due to the decreasing water level of lake (down 151 feet) from the drought, was now exposed. When the fisherman found that the bag contained a gun and a badge, he contacted Parks Bureau Lake Operations deputies from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

The deputies contacted an Agent from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) whose identification was found in the bag. The agent said that in 1992, he and a friend from the Los Angeles County Probation Office travelled to Castaic Lake to enjoy a day on the lake. Their vehicle was a soft top Jeep which presented a problem to secure their weapon, departmental identifications and valuables. They placed their valuables into a backpack and took it onto the boat with them. At some point on the lake, their boat was swamped and the backpack containing their valuables went over the side into the lake.

The officers said they have received a lot of grief from their peers about losing their badges and weapon in the lake. They are now glad that it was found and their story has been validated.

Due to the severe drought California is suffering through, the water level of Castaic Lake continues to fall. Items such as this backpack, an outboard motor and a Go Pro camera have been found.

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