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NCCF Overview

The North County Correctional Facility is a maximum security complex consisting of five housing pods within one large facility. For 2013 to date, the average daily inmate population was 3,803 inmates.

NCCF hosts vocational, educational and life skills programs that utilize over 75,000 square feet of floor space to meet the various needs of those housed here.

Whether it is professional printing or parenting classes, drug education or designing with computers, those housed at NCCF have ample opportunities to develop skills and enhance their education in order to maximize their potential for success upon release.

With release in mind, the North County Correctional Facility facilitates the services of LASD's Community Transition Unit (CTU). The mission of the CTU is to enhance inmate participation in educational, vocational and other life-skills training programs and to assist with successful reintegration into the community.

On any given day, approximately 925 inmates participate in one or more educational programs. Students successfully completing these programs are awarded certificates in vocational and life-skills programs as well as academic certificates and diplomas.

Various services are offered to those housed at NCCF, ranging from educational and vocational opportunities, counseling, religious services, life skills training, and top-notch infirmary that includes dental services and many other services - including a barber shop.

NCCF strives to maintain flagship-level services to those housed here and continues to seek out improved methods of ensuring a safe, secure, environment for all those living and working within its walls.

The North County Correctional Facility
The North County Correctional Facility

Opportunities to learn new skills are offered throughout NCCF
Opportunities to learn new skills are offered throughout NCCF

NCCF Library Learning Center
NCCF Library Learning Center

The NCCF Barber Shop
The NCCF Barber Shop

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