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LASD's Inpatient treatment center is currently the largest CTC licensed facility

The Department's inpatient treatment center is currently the largest CTC licensed facility anywhere within California and demonstrated Sheriff Baca's commitment to providing quality health care within the correctional environment. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is tasked with providing health care services to all incarcerated prisoners within a jail system which at present exceeds 18,500 inmates. This population tends to have numerous preexisting health problems related to their lifestyle choices, including drug addiction, poor physical condition, and mental health issues, to name only a few.

The California State CTC regulations are a recently adopted chapter under Title 22, the same division of the regulations that cover acute care hospitals, acute psychiatric hospitals, and nursing homes. The CTC regulations cover medical and psychiatric care in jails and prisons, and Los Angeles is the first county in the state to be granted a license as a CTC. Medical Services Bureau provides care and treatment for inmates requiring inpatient medical and or psychiatric care in this 196-bed rated medical unit located in the Twin Towers Correctional Facility in downtown Los Angeles. As mentioned, the inmate population is an unwell population largely due to the lifestyle choices of the inmates which often include substance abuse, violence, and living on the streets of Los Angeles. They require the same basic medical care that all residents of Los Angeles County require, including routine illness to advanced medical issues such as TB, AIDS/HIV+, heart disease, diabetes, dialysis, paraplegics, and acute mental health problems. Additionally, problems associated with aging are becoming common as the jail population increasingly includes older inmates.

The Sheriff of Los Angeles County has the statutory requirement to provide for all of the basic needs of an inmate in jail. This includes food, clothing, hygiene needs, and health care. The Sheriff's Medical Services Bureau has the responsibility to provide for the health care needs of the entire inmate population within the jail system. State law sets the frequency for certain rights afforded to inmates, such as hot meals, the opportunity to shower, have visitors, and receive medical care.

In a recent television documentary, the Los Angeles County jail was identified as the largest provider of mental health care in the United States. In addition to mental health services provided to the general inmate population, the CTC has a 50-bed acute Forensic In-Patient unit (FIP), staffed with psychiatrists, psychologists, licensed psychiatric technicians, and nursing staff.

The CTC licensure addresses the Sheriff's commitment to Workforce Excellence by enhancing public and employee confidence in the importance and honor of public service. The licensure was the culmination of several years of facility planning, personnel adjustment, training, the Sheriff's personal commitment, and an overall organizational effort.

The CTC also addresses the Sheriff's Department Service Excellence Goals for Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Responsiveness. The program's licensure is an acknowledgment of the success of the continuous quality improvement built into the program as well as the responsiveness to changing demands in the custody environment demanded by the public.

Consistent with our Performance Counts! Goals, the CTC has also established real accountability and reduced exposure to liability through a Continuous Quality Improvement program that monitors and reviews patient care and outcomes for any untoward trends. The Medical Services Bureau management team provides clear vision and monitors the environment to identify excellence and correct identified deficiencies.

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