| 4 Men in Compton Arrested by Human Exploitation and Trafficking Task Force During Prostitution Sting Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Major Crimes Bureau’s Human Exploitation and Trafficking Task Force coordinated a sex buyer sting to combat the on-going problem of Human Trafficking. Compton Sheriff’s Station requested the Task Force’s assistance due to the numerous prostitution complaints in the area. On Thursday, September 24, 2015, the Task Force put together an 18 person team to assist with the operation. The team consisted of personnel from Compton Station’s Special Assignment Team, Court Services Division, Custody Division, and our Reserve Forces Unit. The operation began with female deputies going undercover and posing as prostitutes. At the conclusion of the operation, 4 male adults were arrested for Solicitation of Prostitution, a misdemeanor charge. Additionally, three cars were towed due to invalid or suspended licenses. The Task Force is credited with rescuing a sexually exploited female child that had been previously reported missing out of Orange County. Orange County’s Human Trafficking Task Force responded and accepted custody of the minor. Human Exploitation and Trafficking is very prevalent in Los Angeles County. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department recently received a $1.5 million grant to fund the establishment of a multi-agency Los Angeles Human Trafficking Task Force that will jointly be led by the United States Attorney’s Office and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. The grant will enable more of these types of operations to be conducted in combating Human Trafficking and Exploitation throughout Los Angeles County. Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's Major Crimes Bureau's Human Exploitation and Trafficking Task Force Sergeant Walker at (562) 946-7034. If you prefer to provide information anonymously, you may call "Crime Stoppers" by dialing (800) 222-TIPS (8477), or texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org. - See more at: https://nixle.com/alert/5499415/#sthash.Nb1L29GP.dpuf |
 | Compton Station Youth Activities students visit UC Santa Cruz and Enjoy many great summer trips. This year the Compton Station Youth Activities League (YAL) was fortunate to take 11 deserving YAL members, 6 teen boys and 5 teen girls to the University of California at Santa Cruz for a 4 day colle |
 | Keeping our Community Safe The word community is defined as a group of people with common interest living together in a larger society. The term “common interest” is the key element that provides growth, harmony, and prosperity to the neighborhood. It is not the color of skin, for many different people made of many shades of color are united to live in a peaceful place with great schools and parks. It is not ethnicity, for many nationalities, and races are living together in harmony, shopping and living next door to each other. It is simply common interest. When people share common interest it surpasses color, race, and genetic makeup. Common interest allows people to share what is most important to all of us, a sense of security, peace, and joy. |
 | Keeping our Community Safe Saturday June 25th, 2016 :: 01:38 p.m. PDT
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AdvisoryKeeping our Community Safe
Common + Unity = Community
The word community is defined as a group of people with common interest living together in a larger society. The term “common interest” is the key element that provides growth, harmony, and prosperity to the neighborhood. It is not the color of skin, for many different people made of many shades of color are united to live in a peaceful place with great schools and parks. It is not ethnicity, for many nationalities, and races are living together in harmony, shopping and living next door to each other. It is simply common interest. When people share common interest it surpasses color, race, and genetic makeup. Common interest allows people to share what is most important to all of us, a sense of security, peace, and joy. |