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CollegeDiplomaOnline Bachelor Degree Completion Programs
These online programs from the California State University system help you complete your Bachelor's degree with transferable courses from accredited colleges and universities.
DiplomaOnline Associate Degree Completion Programs
Online AA/AS degree programs from the California Community College system enable you to earn a college degree and take advantage of the low-cost tuition.
ULVUniversity of La Verne
University of La Verne offers accelerated degree programs designed for working professionals. Five 8-week terms per year. AA is not required to start and GMAT usually is not required.
MCMarist College
Marist College enters into academic partnerships with organizations like LASD, as a way for them to say “thank you” to your staff and members. These partnerships offer special tuition pricing for all employees, volunteers and their immediate adult family members.
CSUSBCSU San Bernardino
Professional and Continuing Education at CSUSB offers online degrees and certificate programs to help you achieve your education and career goals. LASDU Partnership Discounts include: 15% off tuition for MBA Online for Executives and 10% off for other select programs!
TUTiffin University
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department members who are accepted by Tiffin University and enroll in Tiffin University courses will receive a discount.
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