Information Detail
May 18, 2013
South Los Angeles Sheriff's Station will participate in the 36th Annual Peace Officers Torch Run on May 18th, 2013. The relay is a three-day, 339 mile relay run. There are 59 relay legs that range from 4 to 12 miles per leg. South Los Angeles Station's leg will be approximately 11.5 miles. The 2 hour relay will start at 5:10 AM and end at 7:10 AM. It will begin at the South Los Angeles Sheriff's Station at 1310 W. Imperial Hwy and conclude at Marina Del Rey Sheriff's Station.
The Memorial Torch Run was established to honor peace officers who have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty. This year's run is in honor of the following officers:
Deputy Constable Charles A. Moranville, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. EOW January 4, 1909
Chief Harry P. Tracy, Pomona Police Department. EOW May 3, 1915
Deputy Harry S. Guard, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. EOW March 20, 1919
Deputy Emma Benson, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. EOW March 20, 1919